Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Words Matter

The words that we say can and do cause wounds when we do not use them with compassion. It's not just what we say, but what we don't say, and, also, what we fail to say. Words matter!
Proverbs 12:18 Tells us that reckless or thoughtless words hurt people, but the words of a wise person brings healing. Are you hurting or healing?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

God Bless You

What does it mean when we say, "God Bless You"? It is such an automatic response to someone sneezing. I doubt that anyone really considers what we are saying. The next time someone sneezes try saying, "I really pray that God will do unexpectedly, wonderful things for you!" That's what it means.
We have a natural tendency to return to others what they give to us. If they are pleasant, we are pleasant. If they are cold, we are cold. If they ignore us, we ignore them. But this is not how our father in heaven treats us! How can we change this in our community, schools and homes. How do we become Ephesians 4:29 people?

It's easy to get into bad habits of sarcasm, put downs and jokes at other's expense. But how can we change this. Obviously, the first is to not do it ourselves. The other is to return niceness for nastiness, sweetness for sarcasm, pleasantness for put downs ... to show love in our actions and responses no matter what people throw at us!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Original 300

Last night we talked about doing incredible things; against all odds - beyond belief.

Check out Judges 6 & 7. It's the story of Gideon. Here is a guy that Prays Big and Does Hard Things.

First an angel from God shows up and says, "God is going to use you to defeat the Midianites and Amelekites who have been terrorizing Israel for years." To which Gideon replies, "You've got to be kidding. I'm the youngest son of an insignificant clan of the smallest tribe. I can't do this. You're going to have to prove it." So the angel does (you can read that part yourself).
Too many times, we assume that we can't do anything significant because we are too young, to small, not smart enough, not strong enough or a bunch of different reasons. Paul told Timothy, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young - set an example for them!" Your age has nothing to do with it. You can do big things, and this is why.
Gideon got together a bunch of guys - 32,000 of them - to fight the Midianites. But God said, "That's too many. I don't want you thinking you did this yourself. I don't want you congradulating each other about how awesome you are for beating them yourselves. What I want you to do is tell everyone who is afraid to go home." So Gideon did and two thirds went home and he had 10,000 left. But God said, "That's still too many. I don't want there to be any mistakes about who did this." In the end Gideon ended up with just 300 guys. Now they were ready.
The reason you can Do Hard Things is because you do them with God's power. He is more than able to do much more than we can even imagine. Trust Him!
Pray Big - what are you praying for in your school or neighborhood that when it happens you will know that God did something big?
Do Hard Things - What is the Hard Thing that you are doing to make a difference in your world.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Super Hero

Wed - Sept 9

What super power would you like to have? Super strength, flight, super speed, telekinesis, telepathy, invisibility? What if I told you that you already have a super power? In fact you are more powerful than any Marvel or DC comics super hero.

In John 14:12, Jesus says that we will do greater miracles than the ones He did! The problem is, we don't ask. We don't expect God to answer. James tells us that Elijah was a man just like us, but he accomplished great things through his prayer. That means we can too!

In fact, God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine! So, lets pray big things.

The assignments:
  1. Find a Big Prayer - one that is so big that when God answers, everyone will know that God did it, and let's start praying for it together. Use the PBST website to let us know about your Big Prayer and pray for other's Big Prayer.
  2. See You at the Pole is a great time to identify other Christians on campus. Plan on being ther on September 23.
  3. Find a Hard Thing - nobody expects youth to do anything significant, but that is not God's plan for you. 1 Tim 4:12 says don't let anyone look down on you, but be an example. What Hard Thing can you do to change the world. Let's get started. Use the DHT webpage to tell us what is going on with your Hard Thing and to give us ideas for a Hard Thing we can do together!